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Top 7 Reasons for Divorces in Nepal
Top 7 Reasons for Divorces in Nepal

Top 7 Reasons for Divorces in Nepal

Divorce has always been a difficult subject in Nepal. Marriage here is considered a sacred bond and divorce is seen poorly. But still Divorce rate have been increasing lately. In 2013 the total number of divorce cases in courts was 1824. Below we have listed some of the causes for which people file for divorce in Nepal according to various article published since then.


Infidelity has been on the rise among Nepali people. A lot of the money that enters the country comes from foreign employment. There are a lot of cases where the husband and wife are in different countries. As a result the cases of infidelity occurs often. When their spouses find out about this then it results in divorce.

Financial Insecurities:

Money has become a very important factor in a marriage. With the increase in unemployment and rise of under employment financial insecurity can easily occur. Some people can’t afford to look after their families. There are even cases of lifestyle changing due to change in finances. As a result people end up filing for divorce.

Sexual Dissatisfaction:

Nepal has a rather old fashioned society. There are a lot of arranged marriages. There are cases of marriage between people of different age groups. As a result sexual needs might not be satisfied. Furthermore, most people do not voice out their sexual preferences. As a result there are people who end up getting married to differently sexual people sometimes. The end result of this is obvious.

Preference for Male Child:

Even today there is a preference for male children in the rural parts of Nepal. As a result in some cases when a male child is not born after a few children then due to pressure from the society and family of the husband, men tend to leave their wives.


In Nepalese society the family of the wife almost always have to give a dowry during marriage. Normally the family of the bride give whatever they can but in some cases especially in the southern parts bordering India, the family of the groom make demands sometimes even unreasonable ones. In many cases they make demands even after marriage and if it is not met with then the groom and their family might file for divorce or even cause violence.

Violence by in-laws/husband:

There are various cases of violence as a result of alcohol abuse and in some cases due to dowry problems.

Alcohol Abuse:

Alcohol abuse is a major problem in any relation. It can cause financial insecurities and in some extreme cases might result in violence and even rape. If it’s just financial insecurities then they might just separate. If a more serious case occurs then by law a man or woman can immediately file a report in court and also get a divorce.

Top 7 Reasons for Divorces in Nepal
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Top 7 Reasons for Divorces in Nepal
Top Reasons for Divorces in Nepal. Based on their feelings, here are the most popular reasons for Divorces in Nepal
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Top Of Nepal
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