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Dhulomandu Kathmandu
Dhulomandu Kathmandu

Top 5 Most Polluted Cities of Nepal

Nepal is known as one of the best tourism sites for the people throughout the globe. Nepal has made its name from its beauties and natural scenario. But now, it is going just in the opposite way. This is mainly because of the pollution that cities of tourism and other local places. Talking about pollution, WHO has indexed pollution rate of 84.88 which is known as the high rate. Thus, people around the globe has been putting eye far for visiting Nepal as their tourism sites. Here, are some of the most polluted cities of Nepal:

The capital city of Nepal (Kathmandu):
Being the capital city of Nepal, it is famously known for dirt and garbage rather than its capitalism. Due to unmanaged road expansion contract in Kathmandu, it is surrounded by dust and smokes. Similarly, small roads with large quantity of vehicles are leading to sound pollution. Nepalese Capital city is ranked in the top seventh as the most polluted city by WHO.

The city of Temples (Bhaktapur):
Mostly known for religious sites and cultural heritages, Bhaktapur is being more contaminated than other cities in Nepal. Due to more commercial brick industries and other small cottage companies, Bhaktapur is having a rough time with the air full with contamination of dust and smoke. According to WHO, the air in Bhaktapur is more toxicant than the air in Kathmandu as it has got the smoke of burnt coal, petrol, diesel, etc.

The Commercial city of Nepal (Janakpur):
As it known as the commercial city, Janakpur has got a lot of industries and mills running to feed and clothe. But, this industries throws a lot of harmful gases and toxicant garbage which should be managed properly. But, due to careless of government and industry owner, the toxicant substances are not managed properly which is leading towards the pollution of that place.

City known for Stone Temple (Lalitpur):
As called the city of stone temple, Lalitpur has got most beautiful artistic stone those are done on stone. There are various famous religious sites like Patan Durbar Square, Krishna Temple which are well renowned through the globe. But, due to more population in this small city, the city is going through harsh pollution. Similarly, due to more construction works in this city, it has been known as one of the most polluted cities in Nepal.

The industrial City of Nepal (Birgunj):
If you travel through to Birgunj, you can see many industries. It is very good to have many industries as it helps in the economy but have you ever realized about the smoke and waste garbage coming out from those industries. Birgunj is now known more for pollution rather than its industries as a black smoke mixes every time in the air and it has got noise pollution. Similarly, the road are very dusty because of the heavy trucks that winds the dry streets mud.

Top 5 Most Polluted Cities of Nepal
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Top 5 Most Polluted Cities of Nepal
Interested to know which is the most polluted city in Nepal? Here is the list of Top 5 Most Polluted Cities of Nepal.
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Top Of Nepal
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