Nepal is a place that values relations with people. Almost everyone tries to know the people around them. Be it neighbors, distant cousins, classmates, and of course circle of friends. But with so many people to talk with what do we really discuss? Here are a few things that I have seen people discuss frequently:

Nepal has a rather unstable political environment. So it is one of the top topics to talk about. From young adults to old men can be heard talking about the political situation. Keep a mild interest on the political situation and you will have a topic to talk about anywhere and in any crowd. Even if someone doesn’t follow the news they will pay attention to you when you talk about the political situation.

Especially among the younger men and even a lot of women sports has become a topic to talk about. Even if they don’t watch all the matches almost everyone at least knows the score of all important football matches. I even heard a girl once say she has an app that give the score of recent games even though she has no interest in them just cause everyone talks about it.

Nepal is a cold place and Nepalese tend to drink a lot; so much so that the government has placed a tax of 200% on commercial alcohol. Well it might prevent people from drinking a lot but it does not stop us from talking about it. Even the tax applied is a topic for discussion.
Movies and Music

Like all young people around the world Nepalese also talk about movies and music. The variety of movies and music varies between Nepali, Hindi, English and even Korean. Some enthusiasts also watch French and Italian movies. Like movies, music is also a very talked about topic.
[The club is…, So the bar is where I go]; the girl sitting next to me’s phone just rang.

Youtube videos are watched around the world. We now have music videos, prank channels, TV shows, funny videos etc. and etc(an extra etc. for the uncountable types of videos on Youtube). You can hear the discussions on at least one Youtube video in an average day.