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Programming Language

Top 5 Highest-paying Programming languages Job

Nowadays, the technology and skills diminishing the world like a tiny thing. And continues growth of skills and technology are evolving new techniques and methods and the programming languages are one of them. In fact, the programming languages are secret codes and skills in order to develop new programs and systems. Here is a list of some current tough and top paying programming languages.

Java is the most popular and highly demanded object oriented programming language in the world. It is considered as a tough programming language that can run just on any platform. The readability and the simplicity is the main thing of java programming language to attract the new developers. The senior level of java developer can get $115,000 as salaries per months.

Python is a simple programming language which is commonly used for general purposes like in tech industry, NASA, google and so on. Due to its simplicity, it would be the best programming language for beginners. Python senior level developer can make $100,000+ easily.

PHP (Hypertext Pre-Processor) is a widely used scripting programming language that runs on servers which is used to create websites. The PHP programming language is written with HTML and CSS. Since the language being simple and easy to learn, the PHP developers are increasing in huge numbers. The web-facing feature is an advanced feature of PHP which makes developers highly skilled. The senior level of PHP developer easily can make $75,000 per month.

C# (commonly called C-sharp) is a combined form of C programming language and C++ which is introduced by Microsoft to develop the enterprises applications on the Microsoft .Net framework. C# developer easily can make $90,000+ as their salary.

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a database based programming language that specially designed for to look up backed i.e. database or for relational data stream management system (RDSMS). SQL is the most important language to manage databases. The senior level of SQL developer can easily make $80,000.

Top 5 Highest-paying Programming languages Job
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Top 5 Highest-paying Programming languages Job
Top highest-paying programming Job in Nepal. Most highly paid Tech Jobs in Nepal.
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