Google is the largest search engine used by over 200 million every day in the world and from United State. It is a multinational corporation formed on September 4, 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The google headquarter is in Mountain View, California, part of Silicon Valley. You can search anything like photos, videos, files on google so has the large size of database holding large size of data and web pages. Google has number of amazing and incredible facts and some are given here.

The name Google was from Google
Actually the name Google was derived from the mathematical term googol which actual meaning is 1 with 100 zero following. In other word the google equals to googol and googol equals to 1 with hundred zero value followings. The google original name was Backrub which means find system and ranking based on back links.
Initial Google Homepage
Initially (in 1998) the google included yahoo like punctuation mark in its homepage then the founder of google didn’t know the HTML to make page fancy and hence they uses simple interface as their homepage. And later on they designed fancy interface and added Klingon language in 2002 for it and l, till 2001 the homepage didn’t appear at the center and appeared on the right side. Now the google provides its homepages in 80 languages.
Google has largest index of website
The google has a large size of database where a number of websites, files and data are stored. According to google data, google has an index with more than 3 million websites. Though you can find your websites within a second among them by google search engine which is from the SEO technique.
Google is capable to search everything that have been never searched before.
Before google you would not never able to find around 16% to 20% of searches that you have searched but after the google launch that problem was solved and you can find anything and everything within a second. Here, for the google searches, the SEO also play the vital role to search the data you have searched which is up-to date with google simultaneously.
90% of share market is from the Google in the world.
The google has 90% of share market in the world which comes from search engine. Nowadays people use google as search engine and so it become the first choice of people to search everything on the internet.