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Top 5 Novel Writer of Nepal
Top 5 Novel Writer of Nepal

Top 5 Bestselling Nepali Novel

People spend their free time reading novels and books. Novel is a book based on someone’s imagination, character, story and also their real life time experience. Through novel we learn different life changing knowledge and the inspiration which will change our life directly and indirectly. In Nepal, there are lots of novel to read which are incredibly best. Here are list of top novel you must read in your free time.

Karnali Blues:
Written by Buddhi sagar. This novel was published in 2010. One of the best novel and liked by most of the Nepalese people. This novel is mainly about the father and son. We can see different role of father and son. The creation of story and the way it end is truly markable.

Summer Love:
Written by Subin Bhattarai. Published in 2012. This is the love story novel. This story tells about the relationship between a boy and girl. How they fall in love? What are the problems that come in relationship and to solve or overcome that problem. The main character of this story is Atit and Saya. The author also publishes its sequel called Saya.

Sirish ko Phool:
Written by Parijat (Bishnu Kumari Waiba).This one of the novel that deserves to be in the list. This novel won the country best award called Madan Purashkar. This novel became one of the famous novel that is translated in English and put as regular course in university of world. Many people are inspired by this story.

Seto Dharti:
Written by Amar Neupane. Published in 2012. This novel talks about the women, their past situation, how they treated in society. This novel give such an good explanation about the early marriage, Sati pratha and so on. After reading this novel you will definitely change your attitude towards women.

Palpasa Café:
Written by Narayan Wagle. This novel was published in 2005. This novel was also published in different languages like English, Korean and French. This novel gets lots of love from people around the world. Lots of people liked this novel. If you are novel lover you must read this novel, PALPASA CAFÉ. This novel is about the anti-war and tells about the effect of civil war and also the partly love story of character Drishya.

Honorable Mention

Here are the lists of novel which are incredibly good and liked by many people’s.

MunaMadan (Laxmi Prasad Devkota)
Mayur Times (Narayan Wagle)
Damini Bhir (Rajan Mukarung)
Pagal Basti (Pagalbasti)
Seto Bagh (Diamond Shamsher)
Phoolko Aankhama (Ani Choying Dolma)
Cheena Harayeko Manche (Hari Bansha Acharya)
Jeevan Kanda ki Phool (Jhamak Ghimire)
Maile Dekheko Darbar (Bibek Kumar Shah)
Antarmanko Yatra (Jagdish Ghimire)

Top 5 Bestselling Nepali Novel
Article Name
Top 5 Bestselling Nepali Novel
Here are the Top Famous and Best selling Nepali Novel of all time. Karnali Blues Novel by Buddhi Sagar, Palpasa Cafe by Narayan Wagle and Antarmanko Yatra by Jagdish Ghimire
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Top Of Nepal
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