1. Prashant Tamrakar

the famous face in fashion industry, the talented model cum choreographer-is not only admired for his talent but also for his beard. He has the perfectly shaped beard that makes him look even more handsome. He is rated one as the most handsome man in beard by many nepali people including celebrities.
2. Ayushman Desraj Joshi

the former face of House of Fashion, actor and model is a popular face among Nepali girls. While many girls love him for his handsome face good physique, and pleasant voice, millions of other girls are die heart fan of his bearded look. Hence, he is rated as one of the few handsome men with beard in Nepal.
3. Suraj Singh Thakuri

is a famous actor, director and television presenter who has a huge fan following from all over Nepal. People admire him for his good looks and charming face, special anchoring talent as well as acting skills. But it is also a known fact that girls love his bearded look. Hence, he is rated one of the most handsome men with beard.
4. Paras Bir Bikram Shah Dev

is the former Crown Prince of Nepal and is considered as one of the most handsome men in Nepal. He is seen with a bearded look and many people think that he is among the most handsome bearded people in Nepal. People from around Nepal have rated him the most handsome bearded man.
5. Karma Shakya

Karma is a well known and versatile actor in Nepalese film industry. He is not only known for his talent in acting but also his handsome looks. Girls are crazy for his bearded look and have rated him as one of the most handsome bearded men in Nepal. Many of the girls have expressed that they prefer Karma with beard more than without beard.