When you check the net for facts about space you’ll usually hear the facts such as increase in height, quarantine of the Apollo crew, etc. Everyone is used to these facts. Today I have searched various website and found a few less common facts about space.

On Venus a day is longer than a year. A year on venus is 224.7 Earth days. On the other hand it takes it 243 Earth days to rotate on its axis just once.
Space is only a 100 km from the surface of the earth. If you have travelled much then you should know that that’s just a few hours’ drive away.

The hottest planet in the solar system is Venus not Mercury with temperatures reaching up to 500 degree Celsius. The reason is the atmosphere on Venus is full of greenhouse gasses. No atmosphere at all on Mercury. Guess we really need to worry about global warming.
In space metal stick to each other resulting in something called cold welding due to the lack of oxygen. Space equipment used by astronauts has a layer of oxide on it to prevent this.
Enceladus, one of Saturn’s smaller moons, reflects some 90% of the sunlight, making it more reflective than snow.
The highest mountain known to man is the Olympus Mons located on Mars. It’s almost 3 times higher than Mt Everest at a height of approximately 25-27km. By some measures, it is said to be just 22km high but it’s still the largest known mountain in the solar system.

The Sun makes a full rotation once every 25-35 days.
Neptune takes 164.79 years (60,190 days) to make one orbit of the Sun. this means that since its discovery in 1846, it has only completed just one orbit!
We know more about space than we do about deep in our oceans.
The odds of being killed by space debris is 1 in 5 billion.
The Space Station circles the Earth every 90 minutes. I’m wondering in the movie gravity they set timers for 90 min. could this be the reason?
There are approximately 200 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy
The closest galaxy to us is the Andromeda Galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy appears in the night sky as a smudge of light, and is, in fact, the furthest away object in the night sky that you can see with your eyes.
February in 1865 and 1999 are the only months recorded in history not to have a full moon.
The furthest away galaxy from Earth, that has been discovered, is GRB 090423, which is 13.6 billion light years away! This means that the light we see from it began its journey only 600,000 years after the Universe was created! Does this mean we will see more galaxies over time? Maybe!