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Top 10 Interesting Facts About Mars
Top 10 Interesting Facts About Mars

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Mars

Mars is one of the most similar planet to Earth in our solar system. So much so that there are even speculations that NASA plans to colonize Mars in a few decades. Here I have collected a 10 interesting facts about Mars.

The Red planet Mars
The Red planet Mars

In the Egyptian language Mars is known as Planet Cairo. It is believed that the City Cairo was named after the Planes because it was visible on the day the city was established.
The highest mountain in the solar-system Olympus mons in on Mars. It is about 25km high and about 3 times as tall as Mt. Everest the highest peak of Earth.
Mars was 34.8 million miles from the surface of the Earth in 2003, the closest it had gotten in 60,000 years. It is said to approach as close again in 2287 according to NASA.

NASA life on Mars
NASA life on Mars

Mars has a diameter half that of the Earth and a volume less than 1/6th of the Earth.
It has about 37/38% the gravity of Earth. Meaning a person that is a 100 kgs on Earth would be just 38 kgs on Mars.

Planet Mars
Planet Mars

Pieces of Mars have fallen on the Earth allowing scientists to learn a bit about Mars from Earth.
Scientist have found water on the surface of Mars. They believe it to be very salty.
The Curiosity Rover has found methane concentrates on the surface of Mars. Methane concentrates on Earth mainly originate from Biological sources. So it can be taken as an indicator that there is life or there was life in ancient times on Mars.
A year on Mars is 687 Earth days while a Day on Mars is only 40 mins longer than on Earth.
The temperature on Mars ranges between -284°F to 86°F.

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Mars
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Top 10 Interesting Facts About Mars
Top 10 unknown Interesting Facts About Mars. Here are some Interesting Facts About Mars. Fun Facts About Mars.
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