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Most 5 Powerful Militaries in World

The GFP (Global Firepower) observed and examined around 126 countries defense force on the basis of manpower, land systems, air power, naval power, resources, logistics, finances and geography covered in order to rank the most powerful militaries in the world. According to GFP, USA has the most powerful militaries and Russia is the second in the world. Now here, we are listing the most 5 powerful militaries in the world on the basis GFP observation documentation and other resources.

United State (US) Military

United State (US) Military
United State (US) Military

US is the country which has 0.1663 power index and ranked as the most powerful militaries country in the world. The US government spend around $577,100,000,000 budget yearly on defense and military power. The US military serve as peace military force around the world especially in Iraq and Afghanistan. Around 1,400,000 military personnel and around 155,400,000 labor military force are active in US military. The US military currently has around 8,848 tanks, 13,892 aircraft, 920 attack helicopter and 473 total naval strength.

Russian Military

Russian Military
Russian Military

Russia is the second top most powerful militaries in the world with 0.1865 power index. The Russian militaries are extremely up-to-date with the advance military technology and modernization which has around 766,055 military personnel and 75,290,000 labor manpower combined. The government of Russia spend around $60,400,000,000 budget yearly on defense and military force. Currently, the Russian military has around 15,398 tanks, 3,429 total aircraft, 352 total naval strength and 462 attack helicopter.

China Military

China Military
China Military

China is considered as the World’s big and most populated country. Not only that, it also considered as the most dangerous country on the military power and defense with 0.2318 power index which is ranked in third place. Currently China is developing its technology on each and every field but China increasing its military strength through show-off-force initiatives. The china has around 2,333,000 active military personnel and 797,600,000 labor force combined to whom China spend around $145,000,000,000 budget yearly. Recently China military has Tanks: 9,150, Total Aircraft: 2,860, Attack Helicopters: 196 and Total Naval Strength: 673.

India and Pakistan Military

India Army

Pakistans Army
Pakistans Army

Actually India and Pakistan are the competitor to each other. They always take rivalry action on each and every field. As the result, they are developing their technology in high ratio. Here, also India (4th according to GFP) and Pakistan (13th according to GFP) are listed as the powerful military country in the world. India spend around $40,000,000,000 for defense meanwhile Pakistan spend around $7,000,000,000 for defense yearly. Now, here is the table which shows the military power of India vs Pakistan.

Power India Pakistan

Active Military Personnel

Labor Force
492,400,000 61,550,000

Attack Helicopter 19 52
Tank Strength
6,464 2,924
United Kingdom (UK)

United Kingdom is also a strong country having strong military power and defense with 0.2747 power index. The UK maintain its military power as well as economic power around the world which sends its military as a peace armed force throughout the world. Currently, a huge number of UK military are serving in many countries like in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and many more countries. In recent, the UK military has around Active Military Personnel: 146,980, Tanks: 407, Total Aircraft: 936, Attack Helicopters: 65, Total Naval Strength: 66 and Labor Force: 30,150,000. The Government of UK yearly spends around $51,500,000,000 budget for the defense and military force.

Most 5 Powerful Militaries in World
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Most 5 Powerful Militaries in World
Top 5 Most Powerful and Strongest Militaries in World. Best Militaries in World. United State Military, Russian Military, China Military, United Kingdom
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Top Of Nepal
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